Steve Lonergan is a Professor Emeritus in the Department of Geography, University of Victoria. He holds a B.Sc. from Duke University and an M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania. Past positions include: Professor of Geography, McMaster University (Hamilton, Ontario, 1980-1989) and The University of Victoria (Victoria, BC, 1989-2011), and Director of the Division of Early Warning and Assessment, UN Environment Programme, Nairobi, Kenya (2003-2005). From 1996 - 2001 he directed the Global Environmental Change and Human Security Project for the International Human Dimensions of Global Change Programme. His academic research focused on water resources and conflict in the Middle East, environmental change and population displacement, and assessing the social and economic costs of climate change. He is the author of over seventy-five articles, books, and book chapters.

Favourite Quote: “Surrendering to the force of gravity is the greatest sin.” (Simone Weil).

Books Include: 

Watershed: The Role of Freshwater in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (with David Brooks), 1994

Environmental Change, Adaptation and Security (ed.), 1999

Assessing and Restoring Natural Resources in Post-Conflict Peacebuilding (ed., with David Jensen), 2012

Riding in a Matatu (2012)

From the Mouth of a Dog (2015)

The Ghosts of the Iraqi Marshes: A History of Conflict, Tragedy, and Restoration (with Jassim Al-Asadi), to be published in January, 2024)